Michelle Byantara

Wife of Arion Byantara, mother of the handsome Geralio Valdata & and daughter Alea Byantara.

Arion & Icel

T-two are old friends, and were brought together due to an issue. The comfort and attention that was always raised made the two of them unite in a marriage bond. Now both of them are happy with their two children, Alea & Geralio.

Geralio Valdata

- 22 years old
- people called him charming boy
- anak BEM di salah satu univ terkenal
- ketua divisi acara, 99% sukses.
- he loves the rain
- actually, banyak orang yg bilang dia ganteng
- his mom told him to be kind, so he loves to help people.

Alea Byantara

Nama : Alea Byantara
Jenis kelamin : Perempuan
Tanggal kelahiran : 26/07/2022
Waktu kelahiran : 20.20 WIB
Berat bayi : 3,1 kg
Panjang bayi : 36 cm

Thankyou so mucha